New! Decision Points: Driving Under the Influence

DPA LLC is pleased to announce the availability of a new program, DECISION POINTS: Driving Under the Influence (Decision Points: DUI).

DUI course manual

DPA LLC partnered with the Clark County District Court Probation, Vancouver, WA to create a skill based program targeting individuals under the supervision of the courts due to DUI violations. Designed as a learner-centered skill-based program, the new curriculum encompasses all of the elements of Decision Points but specifically includes additional key coping skills DUI clients may incorporate into their decision making process. The Decision Points: DUI was field-tested by the Clark County District Court Probation staff.

Decision Points: DUI consists of five (5) lessons and supports the same open entry/exit feature as Decision Points. The program duration can be tailored to meet individual and agency needs. Initial staff training for Decision Points: DUI is 24-hours (3-days).

DPA LLC would like to hear from other agencies who would be interested in field-testing or implementation opportunities with DUI clients. Interested agencies should contact us at