What Training is Needed to Implement/Deliver Decision Points?
Level 1: Decision Points Facilitator Training (DPFT) (Facilitate justice-involved individual groups)
Level 2: Decision Points Advanced Practicum (DPAP) (Training for Trainers)

The predominant method to access Decision Points training is for an agency to contract with Decision Points Authors, LLC (DPA) to provide Level 1: Decision Points Facilitator Training (DPFT) or Level 2: Decision Points Advanced Practicum (DPAP – Trainer of Trainers) training.
There are several alternative methods for agencies (typically smaller agencies) to access DPFT. Periodically, DPA will host a DPFT training with a host agency which will allow open enrollment for interested agencies to send representatives to be trained. It is recommended in such cases that two participants are sent from the same agency. (since DP is designed to be co-facilitated for maximum results).
Beginning in 2022, DPA also will host multiple sessions of DPFT online which will provide additional access to facilitator training. The availability of these events will be posted or the Upcoming Events page.
Additionally, as agencies become capacitated to train their own staff, DPA can facilitate the possibility of other agency participants being able to be trained by the ADP training team from the host agency. This can be a viable option for agencies located near or having working partnerships with the host agency, as well as, provide a fiscal savings. These options must be coordinated through the DPA LLC. Feel free to contact us to discuss these options in detail: decisionpointsprogram@gmail.com
To register for these events, please use the registration form here.
(This is a Word document that will be downloaded to your computer.)
All registration forms must be emailed to decisionpointsprogram@gmail.com
Agencies should expect email confirmation and follow-up from DPA. Again, we recommend at least two participants from an agency since DP is recommended to be co-facilitated.

About the Training
Level 1 Decision Points Facilitator Training (DPFT): Consists of a 20-hour classroom-based or a 24-hour on-line training experience
Decision Points Facilitator Training (DPFT) prepares host agency staff to:
- Apply the “Strategy of Choices” with Decision Points group members.
- Conduct initial interviews with potential group members to determine readiness to participate in the program.
- Demonstrate each of the four steps of the Decision Points process.
- Manage a group of 6-8 through the five Decision Points lessons.
- Apply appropriate real life examples and meaningful tasks to sustain group members’ motivation throughout the program.
- Maintain records of group members’ progress during the program.
Key Points
- 20-hours of training (typically 2.5 to 3 days depending on daily start/end times)
- 24 hours online training (typically 8 daily sessions of 3 hours extended over a 2-week time frame)
- Classroom training groups of up to 9, 18, 27 participants can be accommodated and virtual on-line groups of 6-16 can be accommodated
- All materials provided to deliver the program with justice-involved individual groups
- Learner-centered, highly interactive training including round robin teach back of program elements.
Level 2 Decision Points Advanced Practicum (DPAP) Consists of a 32-hour training experience. The DPAP or train-the-trainer is designed for trained and experienced DP facilitators (who have had DP Level 1) to take the next step and become prepared to train staff within their agency to facilitate the Decision Points program.
Decision Points Advanced Practicum (DPAP) prepares agencies to:
- Train their own staff to facilitate the Decision Points program
- Following this training, individuals successfully completing are referred to as Agency Decision Point Trainers (ADP).
The Agency and Decision Points Authors then enter into a Licensing agreement which permits the host agency to train its own staff to facilitate the DP program.
Key Points
- 32-hours of training (typically 4 days)
- Training groups of up to 16 participants can be accommodated
- Prospective participants participate in pre-selection assessment process jointly conducted by agency and the DPA.
- All materials provided to train staff to facilitate DP program
- Learner-centered, highly interactive training including round robin teach back of program elements.
- Site Licensing Agreement required
- Coaching and quality assurance support provided to agency for first DPFT conducted by ADP trainers.