Charles Robinson is an independent consultant in corrections and criminal justice with emphasis in evidence-based philosophy, use of risk assessment instruments, case planning and cognitive behavioral interventions. Mr. Robinson is an author of Decision Points.
During his correctional career, Charles has held the following positions:
- Facilitator, Thinking for a Change
- Supervisor, Dallas County DIVERT Adult Treatment Court, Dallas, Texas;
- Manager, Intensive Intervention Programs and Specialty Court, Dallas, Texas;
- Probation and Pre-trial Services, Administrative Offices of the Courts, Probation and Pretrial Services Office, Washington, DC;
- Director, Travis County Community Supervision and Corrections Department, Austin, Texas.
Charles has authored/co-authored the following programs used in corrections:
- What are They Thinking: Techniques for Addressing Risk Factors with Offenders, a training curriculum covering the use of thinking reports and problem-solving process to address violation behavior. (co-author)
- Stopping Abuse For Everyone-SAFE, a cognitive-behavioral domestic violence program that helps offenders make and maintain changes in abusive behavior. (co-author).
- Effective Practices in Correctional Settings II (co-author), a training program for criminal justice professionals who provide direct service to clients. The techniques are based on existing behavioral change strategies found to be effective with criminal justice clients.
Charles has been actively involved in cognitive-behavioral interventions since 1998. He has published numerous articles for professional journals.